Upcoming Events

Our Club takes our train layouts (they’re never the same) to many venues around the state of Maine. Below is a list of club events open to the public.

Club meetings are held on the second Thursday of each month at 7PM via Zoom.

On other Thursday’s of the month, again at 7PM, the Club hosts an informal on-line Zoom conversation titled“The M3R Roundhouse.” These are lively conversations regarding anything to do with the model railroading hobby and are open to all.

Many of our members hold open houses of their layout’s each year that are a great way for everyone to visit and talk about trains.

Finally, our big event each year is the M3R Show at the Augusta Armory each February. We hope you attended the show this year, and we will see you again next time.

Here is a link to a comprehensive schedule that details all known Train Shows in New England by state and start date. This list is updated monthly, courtesy of member Sam Carr.

Public Events Where We Will be Running Trains

SMMRC Train Show

Date: April 12, 2025
Time: 9:00 am - 2:00 pm
Location: Westbrook Community Center, 426 Bridge St., Westbrook, ME 04092

This annual show is sponsored by the Southern Maine Model Railroad Club (SMMRC) at the Westbrook Community Center. It includes layouts in various scales and model railroad vendors. This is a great location for members to talk to each other about model trains.  You can also come by at 4:30pm on Friday, April 11 to help with setup. The show takes place in the gym at the back of the Community Center.

Great Falls Model Railroad Club Show

Date: April 26, 2025
Time: 10:00 am - 3:00 pm
Location: Mt, Ararat High School Gym, 68 Eagles Way, Topsham, ME 04086

Our train layout will running from 10am-3pm in the gym  at the Mt. Ararat High School. This is a large, well-attended train show with a number of layouts and model railroad vendors.  Meet other members and make new friends at this show. Members can help with setup during the afternoon of April 25.  Hours will be published later.

Baxter Library in Gorham

Start date: May 2, 2025
End date: May 3, 2025
Time: 9:00 am - 6:00 pm
Location: Shaw Gym in the Gorham Recreation Building, behind the library at 71 South Street in Gorham

M3R hosts a layout as part of the book sale in the Shaw Gym.  The Shaw Gym is behind the Library and it part of the old Junior High School. Go past the Library, turn right on Morrill Street and right again  on Ball Park Road. The Shaw Gym will be on your right.  We provide the tables because the Book Sale takes all the tables they have.

Setup takes place from 2-5pm on Thursday, May 1st. Trains run from 9am-6pm on May 2 and 9am-1pm on May 3 followed by move out. This layout trains a lot of young engineers who come to other events including the SMMRC shows in Westbrook. They have a great time with the Lionchief remote controls and pressing the button to run the Fire Station.

Please help us set up this layout on Thursday, and run trains during the next 2 days. Its a lot of fun. This event was started by Judy Boulanger, a library volunteer, and her husband Gerry Boulanger who was a long-time member of the Maine 3 Railers.

Cumberland Fair 2025

Start date: September 21, 2025
End date: September 27, 2025
Time: 9:00 am - 9:00 pm
Location: Cumberland Fairgrounds, 197 Blanchard Road, Cumberland, ME 04021

Cumberland Fair is the Maine 3Railers largest and longest layout event.  The layout is in the Industrial Building and runs from 9am-9pm during the Fair. It includes model steam trains, diesel trains and trolleys.  Visitors can operate trains with remote controls and run accessories including the Barrel Loader, which is the kid’s favorite.

The video of the 2024 Fair can be seen at
